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Western Washington Destination Showcase

Western Washington Destination Showcase

March 17, 2021 - 4:00pm


The San Diego ASTA Chapter has been invited to attend a webinar that is being put on by the Greater Seattle ASTA Chapter.  It is the Western Washington Destination Showcase and will feature different regions of Western Washington and what it has to offer our clients.  They will have several regions onboard to talk about their offerings and there will be some give-a-ways.

There is a $5.00 charge to join the call, however ALL money received will be donated to ASTAPAC. They have 7 presenters scheduled, followed by breakout rooms to ask direct questions with them, followed by a prize giveaway.  They expect the event to last an hour and a half in total.

Here is the website with the information:
I hope you will join me for this informational event!

Beth Taylor, President
San Diego ASTA and ASTA Small Business Network
cell: 619-992-7251